International Shipping For Small Businesses

international shipping small businesses

Regulations and Compliance 

At first glance, international shipping can be challenging. Understanding customs declarations, extra papers, hazardous materials regulations, export controls, and other trade hurdles can seem impossible to overcome, but understanding them is crucial for a seamless shipment. 

The most crucial part of every international shipment is an EORI number. The EORI number is a specific identification number and is mandatory for every shipment out of the UK. 

Since every country has other rules and regulations, country shipping guides can be a helpful tool for understanding what paperwork is needed for your shipments. It tells you what paperwork you need for each country you want to ship to. 

Under normal circumstances, other laws and rules you might have to consider are intellectual property law and trade agreements. Luckily, thanks to the World Options shipping portal, all you need to worry about when shipping a parcel or document are your EORI number and restricted items of countries.

For the rest, the World Options portal helps you fill out the commercial invoice and sends it digitally to the customs facility, where it’ll be processed before the item arrives to speed up the process further. 

Shipping Costs and Transit Times 

Finding the best service for you is crucial for a successful delivery. While many couriers are experts in international shipments, they all have another priority regarding delivery preferences.

While FedEx and TNT, for example, are experts in shipments to and from the USA, DHL is perfect for shipments to Africa and Europe. When choosing a shipping service, consider the time, cost and reliability you expect with your shipment. 

Packaging and Labelling

Especially for fragile items, packaging can make all the difference between a successful and unsuccessful delivery. Depending on the destination country, your parcel will go through many stages and facilities before arriving. A thick layer of bubble wrap, void fill, dividers, or other cushioning works magic if used for the right products. It is highly recommended to use a double-walled cardboard box for international shipments. 

packaging and labelling a parcel

The label also needs to be fully visible. Even if the parcel is too small to have the entire label on only one side, ensure to have at least the barcode is on a flat surface to avoid scanning errors. 

Insurance and Tracking

Insurance provides another peace of mind for your high-value shipments. However, when insuring your item, you must declare the material costs rather than the retail price. This is especially important when shipping bespoke products and pieces of art. 

Besides insuring yourself for the case of loss, keeping an eye on your shipment can also help solve problems before they snowball out of control. The more detailed and up-to-date the tracking is, the better and quicker you can react when an error occurs. 

Managing Potential Risks and Challenges

The longer the shipping process and the more facilities your parcel will stop before arriving at the destination, the more space there is for potential errors. Therefore, calculating in more time and having a plan B for any eventualities is advised. 

Be aware of the current climate in the destination country and any surpassing countries as well. Shipping at a time when a country has loads of holidays, weather warnings, or political disagreements can quickly result in a faulty shipment. 

Successful risk management starts before you even start shipping. 

1. Consider all eventualities and choose the right service for your shipment. 

2. Stay up-to-date with the tracking and react as soon as you see a potential challenge occur. 

3. Have a plan to handle any problem quickly and effectively. 

Customer Service and Support

In case of a delay, providing excellent customer service can be the difference between a happy and a lost customer. 

While this includes direct updates in case of a delay, a simple tracking link can often make a significant difference. 96% of customers are tracking their online delivery, with 43% even stating they’re checking it daily. A tracking link helps keep your customer happy and reduces your “where is my order?” calls. 

The quicker the resolution of shipping errors, the better the customer views customer service. As a World Options business customer, you have contact with our customer service team and direct lines to all our carriers, allowing for a speedy resolution.

happy shipping customer


International Shipping can initially seem challenging, but there is little to worry about with the right guidance, support system, and preparation. World Options’ account managers are always happy to help you with any shipping queries and lay the groundwork for an easygoing and straightforward initial international shipment. 

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